About US

Company Values

Continental College of Science & Technology has been established to offer the ambitious and aspiring youth to pursue their academic career from Secondary Education to an Undergraduate Degree Under One Roof.


The Continental College offers admissions in Intermediate (Class XI) to the prospecting students. Once admitted, the students on successful completion of Intermediate can continue their Undergraduate studies in various Local and International Degree Programs with the Continental College as well.


 The Continental College is an affiliated college of University of Karachi. It offers BS in Business Administration (BS BA) 4 Years Degree Program in the Morning. The degree is awarded by University of Karachi and is recognized and attested by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan.

The Continental College also offers International Undergraduate Programs for ambitious and prospecting students.


To complement the regular academic courses and to equip its students with skills, learning, and knowledge, the college regularly conducts short courses related to Computer Software, Web Development, IT, AI, Graphic Designing, Social Media and allied subjects. The short courses timings are planned to better utilize the spare time of the students, persons interested to start online business/work from home, and working professionals enabling them to enter their professional career with additional skills, learning and knowledge.

Our Vision

We strive to foster a culture of curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. Encourage students to take ownership of their learning, growth mindset, and stay at the forefront of educational innovation.

Our Mission

We are committed to support student learning and development through innovative and interactive teaching practices and transforming them to become active citizens, engage in community service, and global awareness.

Our Core Values

  • Student-Focused Education: We maintain focused, holistic, and an interactive learning with evidence-based knowledge between the faculty members and students. This approach allows individual attention in development of critical thinking, reasoning, solutions, and skills essential in progressing towards higher education.
  • Teaching and Research: We focus on delivering high quality teaching backed by real life cause specific examples and situations.
  • Integrity & Leadership: We develop a sense of integrity in our students and train them to become leaders.
  • Equality: We believe that, “All Human Beings Are Born Equal Thus Respected”.